Current Portfolio

Updated July 26, 2024 – (8:00 AM – GMT – UK time) – (3:00 AM – US Eastern Time) 

Never risk more than 5% of your total fund value on one investment or trade

Performance History


Compounding Example Based On Above Performance


Triggered Buy Today

No stocks triggered buy

Triggered Sell Today


Sold – Year To Date

Search Blog section for “Sold Stocks By Year” for list of stocks sold in previous years


Current Portfolio – Long Term

Only consider purchasing a stock below if the “Held Since” is within the past 5 working days



Sector Report


Five Year Percentage Stocks Up

The BOI database monitors a total of 4,759 USA stocks per day
The results below exclude fields with blank data, this avoids distorting the results

 Back Office Investor – Current Portfolio


USA – Total USA companies in database = 4,759

BOI considers less than 20% of stocks up for 3 month, 30 day, 7 day and 1 day to be a BOI high volatility state, this is the time to be cautious and watch for your buy and sell signals.


Money and Risk Management – Never break this rule

Select “Back Office Investor – Rules” from the “The Rules” tab for further details.