
Subscriber Benefits

Back Office Investor is perfect for busy people who want to invest but don’t have time to follow the markets

Updated July 26, 2024 – (8:00 AM – GMT – UK time) – (3:00 AM – US Eastern Time) 

 Never risk more than 5% of your total fund value on one investment or trade

The Benefits of Becoming a Subscriber (also available on the one month free trial)

We are tracking 4,759 USA company stocks every day

Daily Update Includes:

All subscribers receive a daily email confirming the website has been updated which includes:

  • Current portfolio and performance history
  • Triggered buys (which stocks to buy)
  • Triggered Sells (which stocks to sell)
  • Percentage of stocks up for BOI portfolio and USA stocks

Weekly Reports Include: 

All subscribers receive an email notification that a new weekly report is available to view:

  • Portfolio performance since website launch date (launch date – Jan 1, 2018)
  • Detailed portfolio list including stocks purchase date and performance
  • Portfolio sector report
  • Percentage of stocks up for BOI portfolio and USA stocks
  • UK, Germany, France, USA and China index performance

About Section:

  • Why and how it all started

Blog Section:

Blogs can be searched via the following groups:

  • All
  • Comment
  • News
  • Performance History
  • Training
  • Weekly Reports

Useful Info Section Includes:

  • Market View
  • Stock Market Explained
  • Glossary
  • Books to Read
  • Money Management and Risk
  • The Power of Compounding
  • Free Portfolio Fundamental Charts Report
  • Watch Out For Scams
  • Trading Broker
  • Important Websites
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Privacy and Cookies

Rules and Principles Section Includes:

  • The Principles
  • Long Term Investing Rules
  • Long Term Stock Picking

Also includes an explanation of the following fundamentals used in BOI Investing

  • Average Daily Volume
  • Fund Limits and Risk
  • Turnover
  • P/E (price to earnings)
  • EPS (earning per share)
  • Pre Tax Profit
  • ROE (return on equity)
  • ROC (return on capital)
  • Debt to Capital Ratio
  • BVPS (book value per share)
  • Free Cash Flow

Performance History


Compounding Example Based On Above Performance


Five Year Percentage Stocks Up

The BOI database monitors a total of 4,759 USA stocks per day
The results below exclude fields with blank data, this avoids distorting the results

 Back Office Investor – Current Portfolio


USA – Total USA companies in database = 4,759


BOI considers less than 20% of stocks up for 3 month, 30 day, 7 day and 1 day to be a BOI high volatility state, this is the time to be cautious and watch for your buy and sell signals.


Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly if you have any questions at