You don’t need to rich to invest

You don’t need to be rich to invest, ( although, I agree it helps ! ) but the sooner you start saving so you can invest the better, you need to save £ 500.00 ( $ 650.00 USD ) to start investing, as a rule you should not spend more than 5% of your total fund value on a single investment / trade, this is due to the fees you will be charged for the transaction, However, this will not be possible when you start investing with only £ 500.00 as your trades will be too small, you will need to accept and take more risk in the beginning as you won’t be able to adhere to the 5% rule, this is why it’s so important you understand the rules of investing before you invest your hard earned money, take your time to learn the rules, it will be worth the time and effort, good luck to all investors.